Stories From The School Run is a slightly different take on the usual annual celebrations of using active travel to get our kids to school. We are a diverse group of Bloggers and Twitterers who want our kids to be able to get to school under their own steam and in safety.
The idea behind Stories From The School Run came after watching this video from Tim Lennon documenting a cycling trip with his two daughters in Richmond, London. This simple and normal activity should be enjoyable and safe, not nerve wrecking and unbelievably draining. Yet, so many of us, in so many places around the UK, feel the latter when attempting to take the kids out on their bikes for the school run or on any other trips. We want to change that by showing what’s really like out there.
We are asking you to film or document your school run any day during the week of Monday 24th April to Friday 28th April and contribute to what we hope will help push for change in the driving habit and policy making which has lead us to the current position.
Upload a link to your video here and feel free to submit your school run story whether you cycle, pogo stick, scoot or walk to school. Together let’s build a national snapshot of our school runs. Over to you! If you are going to tweet, we suggest #schoolrunstories.
Oh to have a school run like the Dutch! |